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30 Meditations Inspired by Transforming Trauma & Spirituality 

now available on Amazon.com and in other bookstores and libraries!

We invite you to take a Look Inside Ava Dasya’s new book! And, after you read it, we would LOVE your review!

Here is a taste of TRANSFIGURATION:

"Transforming trauma, an embodied interior transfiguring process, leads to post-traumatic spiritual growth. We are soul-wounded. This soul-sounding is about how we are severed from our authentic selves at the deepest place in us, the numinous terrain of our souls, our embodied being."

"At all junctures in this transformational journey, we are called to walk through thresholds of returning, sacred gateways or portals, which lead us deeper into our embodied interior landscape."

"This is our return. This is our transfiguration: we are radically changed psycho-emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As we pass through thresholds of returning, we transform...we are changed. We are made anew...through our transfiguration, we become who we are meant to be; and, in doing so, we come home to our authentic selves--a place of belonging."

In awe,
Ava Dasya




Ava Dasya Rasa, MSW, MA, LCSW-C, Author, Speaker, Neuro psychotherapist, Certified Brainspotting Therapist, and an Integrative Mental Health Coach & Consultant. Ava Dasya's new book, TRANSFIGURATION 30 Meditations Inspired by Transforming Trauma & Spirituality is now available on AMAZON. It is sold on Amazon in paperback, hardcover, and eBook.


Ava Dasya Rasa is an Integrative Mental Health Coach & Consultant. More to come!


Join Ava Dasya discussing her debut book, TRANSFIGURATION 30 Meditations Inspired by Transforming Trauma & Spirituality. Ava Dasya explores a range of topics including: trauma, relational neuroscience, transformational healing, contemplative spirituality, transfiguration, and more! Click on the Learn More button to listen!

Fatigue and Transfiguration, The Fatigue Files Podcast

In this episode of the podcast, Anna Grear, host, speaks with Ava Dasya Rasa, LCSW-C and Transpersonal Psychotherapist, specializing in Trauma, Grief, and Contemplative Spirituality Renewal. Ava Dasya is also an author, poet, speaker, teacher, and spiritual director. In this rich conversation, Anna and Ava Dasya first explore Ava Dasya's own journey with chronic and serious illness, before discussing trauma, the brain (especially a healing modality called Brainspotting) and transfigurative transformation.

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Returning to Our Authentic Selves, The Soul Amplified Podcast

Host, Vanessa Grace interviews Ava Dasya Rasa, LCSW-C and Transpersonal Psychotherapist, specializing in Trauma, Grief, and Contemplative Spirituality Renewal, and explores her book, "TRANSFIGURATION 30 Meditations Inspired by Transforming Trauma & Spirituality. They discuss trauma, codependency, Brainspotting, and more. Vanessa Grace shares a powerful personal experience she had with one of Ava Dasya's meditation "Intentional Invitations" in her book. Ava Dasya unexpectedly leads Vanessa Grace through a debriefing of that experience which reveals many insights for Vanessa Grace.

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Coming Home to Your Authentic Self -- A Place of Belonging, Fit for Joy Podcast

This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken to new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way oof being, being well. Host Valeria interviews Ava Dasya Rasa, LCSW-C and Transpersonal Psychotherapist, specializing in Trauma, Grief, and Contemplative Spirituality Renewal, and explores the meaning of the "soul" and how radical healing, transformational healing that Ava Dasya calls "transfiguration" leads us into our most authentic selves.

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  • Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Author: Ava Dasya Rasa, MSW, MA, LCSW-C, Integrative Mental Health Coach & Consultant.